Our group combines data from multiple platforms (models, aircraft, satellites, lab and field measurements) to better understand the influence of humans on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, and climate from urban to regional to global scales.

Recent news and highlights from our group:

Photo of Huilin Zhan
Huilin Zhan joins the group for a PhD focusing on biogenic volatile organic compounds.
Premature deaths in fast-growing tropical cities from exposure to air pollution
Our work on satellite megaconstellation air pollutant and CO2 emissions available from Nature Scientific Data.
Karn farewell dinner
After 7 years in the group, we bid Karn Vohra a celebratory farewell
Group photo on UCL campus
Eloise on BBC Radio 4's Inside Science to discuss how green is space travel
Vredeport Crater
Report by Eloise halts natural gas production at a UNESCO Heritage Site. Link to news article
Professor promotion 2024
Professor promotion celebration dinner at Bloomsbury Street Kitchen.
IGC11 2024 photo
GEOS-Chem User's Meeting in St Louis in June 2024.
EGU 2024 photo
The group at the EGU meeting in April 2024.
Re-entry pollution
Ryan et al. (2022) awarded Wiley certificate for most downloaded article.
Re-entry pollution
Connor and Eloise presented at the ESA workshop on Understanding the Atmospheric Effects of Spacecraft Re-entry.
[Talk slides on Presentations page]
Air pollution in tropical cities
Public health benefits if the UK adopted the best available emission control measures.
Find out more in our recent GeoHealth paper.
Air pollution in tropical cities
Karn speaks to the BBC about his research on rapid air quality degradation in tropical cities
Group photo on UCL campus
2nd Regional Europe GEOS-Chem User's Meeting at UCL in August 2023
Group photo on UCL campus
Group photo with (left to right) Karn, Gongda, Connor, Eloise, Bex, Eleanor, Nana
Ozone air pollution in Central London
Heatwaves and ozone air pollution in Central London.
[Find out more in our recently published ACP paper].
The Guardian article
The Guardian covers our work on the ubiquitous influence of agriculture on PM2.5 in UK cities.
Photo of Connor Barker
Connor Barker joins the group for a postdoc on dry deposition of oxygenated VOCs and the impact of megaconstellation missions on the atmosphere.
PM2.5 source contributors in UK cities
Rural agriculture and pollution from continental Europe dominant source of PM2.5 in UK cities.
[Find out more in our recently published paper]
Group photo on UCL campus
Our first in-person group photo since the pandemic.
[Left to right: Gongda, Rob, Nana, Eloise, Eleanor, Karn, Bex]
Our new MAX-DOAS up and running on the rooftop of an 11-story building at UCL
Our work on the impact of rocket launches on climate and the ozone layer published in Earth's Future.
Premature deaths in fast-growing tropical cities from exposure to air pollution
Our work on the rise in early deaths from air pollution in fast-growing tropical cities now in Science Advances.
Powership emissions
Our work on greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions from powerships now in Environ. Sci. Adv.
Image of NH3 emissions
Our work on satellite-derived UK ammonia emissions published in the J. Geophys. Res.