
Description: uses jackknife resampling to estimate the reduced major axis

regression slopes and intercepts and the errors of these. Relevant reference is: Hirsch and Gilroy, Water Res. Bull., 20(5), Oct 1984.

uptrop.bootstrap.rma(x, y, n, ntrials)

Performs jackknife resampling

  • x (list) – 1D array of x values

  • y (list) – 1D array of y values

  • n (int) – number of elements of x array (equivalent to the number of elements of the y array)

  • ntrials (int) – the number of trials of randomly selected data


grad_arr, cept_arr: 1D arrays of slope and intercept estimates the same size as the number of trials (ntrials). Mean of these is the slope and intercept value and standard deviation is the error on the slope and intercept.

Return type



Original code on which this is based: GAMAP package